Wednesday, December 15, 2010

meowwy cwistmas

Final Holiday Trivia yallllllll

It's a Wonderful Life1. What happens every time a bell rings? "An angel gets its wings!" How special2. In what town does the story take place?  Bedford Falls, USA...  wherever that is

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

1. What happens to the cat? It chews on the chrsitmas tree lights and gets electricuted :(
2. What do the gifts on the credenza have in common? They are all the exact same present for the boss lol
Jingle All the Way

1.  What is the world's greatest actor Arnold Schwarzenegger looking for in stores to buy for his son?
Turbo man ftw!
The Santa Clause

1. What did Tim Allen do to Santa? Called out to him on the roof and it made him slip and fall off the roof 2. What was the name of the Elf in charge of getting the new Santa ready? Bernard, dope boyyyBonus:  in what building served as the office for the movie?  Hint:  it's in downtown Toronto...
Ontario institute of art


1. What female gymnast stars in this movie as Tiny Tim? Mary Lou Retton

2. At the end of the movie, Frank passes a number of musicians playing Christmas music on the sidewalk.  One of these is a Canadian.  He is the band leader for David Letterman.  Who is he? Paul chaffer

The Muppet Christmas Carol

1. What character is played by Kermit? Bob crachet2. What character is played by Ms. Piggie?
Bonus:  what's the significance of the two roles

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Discover your inner ELF :)

1. What's the first rule in the Code of The Elves?
Treat everyday like christmas.
2. What did Papa Elf tell Buddy not to eat when he arrives in the city?
Chewed gum!
3. What animal did Buddy meet on his way to his father's place that had different ideas about friendship?
A lovely raccoon
4. What song does Jovie get the crowd to sing?
"You better not shout, you better not cry, you better not shout I'm telling you why...." 
5. What did Buddy draw on the Etch-a-Sketch?
The mona lisa
6. How did Buddy get his name?
From the orphanage
7. What did Buddy say when he answered the phone at his father's office?
"Buddy the Elf, what's your favourite colour?"
8. What did Buddy say the Santa imposter smelled like?
Beef and cheese
9. What toy was Buddy making where he failed to make his daily quota?
jack in the box
10. What toy draws Baby Buddy to climb into Santa's Sack?
A teddy bear :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Holiday Trivia! Love cwistmas

1.Who wrote 'White Christmas'? 
Irving Berlin

2. Whose version of Winter Wonderland is the most played?
Eurythmics' version of the song is the one most commonly played.

3. Whose version of 'The Christmas Song' is most popular?
Nat King Cole

4. What kind of Christmas will Elvis have without you?
Blue5. What do the Beach Boys encourage the Reindeer to do?
To run
6. Even the comedy team of Cheech and Chong have offered up a holiday song.  According to their seasonal song offering, how does Santa get to your house?
Come down the chimney with magic dust
7. What ran over Grandma while she was on her way home?
A reindeer
8. What did Bob and Doug McKenzie receive from their true love(s) on the first day of Christmas?
 A partridge in a pear treeeeee!

10. What was the name of the Christmas song recorded and sung by i) Band Aid, ii) Northern Lights for Africa and iii) USA for Africa to help raise money for famine relief in Ethiopia?          
9. Which of these Christmas Carols did Bing Crosby sing with David Bowie on a television special? Little drummer boy

Friday, December 10, 2010

Rudolph Movie

1. What makes the Jack-in-the-Box on the Island a misfit? Charlie in the box
2. Who was Rudy's doefriend? Clarice
3. Who wanted to be a dentist? Hermey
4. What was the talking-snowman's name? Sam
5. Who said:  "Whoa. Whoaaaaaaaaaaa! Unmush, will ya" Yukon Corneilius 6. Who lives in the 'first castle on the left'? Santa7. What animal noise did the elf make to distract the Bumble?
8. Who said: "Great bouncing icebergs!" Santa
9. What was attached to the presents dropped from Santa's sleigh? Little Parachutes
10. What was Yukon Cornelius searching for?
Silver and Gold

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I think that this is correct because people to seem more insecure when their body language is more closed off to everyone else. People can seem more outgoing if they have their arms uncrossed and shoulders opened.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

1. Where do the Whos live? The Whos live in Whoville!

2. Who proposed marriage to the Grinch's childhood crush?
The Mayor proposed3. What is the Grinch's dog's name?

4. There is a scene where the Grinch tries to get a taxi in town and the taxi passes by him. The Grinch then says, "It's because I'm _green_____, isn't it". Fill in the blank.
5. The Grinch wins what award?
The Holiday Cheermeister.

6. Who is the little girl that the Grinch eventually befriends?
Cindy LouHou

7. This same little girl catches the Grinch trying to steal a Christmas tree in her house. What excuse does the Grinch make for stealing the tree?
\He is going to bring it to his workshop and fix the broken light

8. At the end, how many times did the Grinch's heart grow?

9. What was the entree served at the Who's Christmas feast?
Roast Beast

11.Where did the Grinch live?
On top of mount trumpet

12.The movie version portrayed the Whos as what kind of people?
Greedy for presents

13.What is the name of the Canadian actor who portrayed the Grinch in the movie version?
Jim Carrey!!

14.It seems that almost everything in the movie version rotates around swirls (lol). Even the clouds are swirled. If you look closely, what else appears in the occasional cloud?
The initials - C.H.", "J.C.," and "R.H

15.How many times better is the book? a)10 b)100 c)1 000 or d)1 000 000 000 000?
a) 1000
10.Who provided the voice for the TV version of the Grinch? Boris Karloff

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Electronic Presentations

Electronic Presentations are also known as slideshows that use digital pictures and information to show their audiences a specific topic. It can be used by a student giving a electronic presentation as a project for their science teacher or even a employee pitching a new idea to his/her company.

 order from most important to least:
-It can give a visual explanation of what you are trying to say
• It can be used to link complex ideas – themes, build up diagrams etc
• It can be used to include and interact with your audience
• It can be used to reinforce important information
• It can be used to summarise information

QR reader

I have the app on my blackberry phone but the image was too blurry to read when I took the picture of it.

The power of advertising

When I first watched this clip I had no idea it was a commericial for a hair product. You realize by the end that they are trying to get you to buy into their products by making you feel different emotions as your watching. It really is different from the regular advertisments.

Monday, December 6, 2010


After looking at the site called "Gigablast", I learned what was meant by green energy is using energy sustainably and not wasting it. I will most likely make this my search engine at home because its better for the environment and it also lets you search things effectively.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Use of email in Business

I believe that number 7 is important because if an employee forgets about a meeting they can be reminded and make it there on time. Also they can be informed of last minute schedualing!